Hey there! I'm Erin

It's no coincidence that you found yourself here! You're one choice away from embodying your fully expressed self. Are you ready to start trusting the desires of your heart? If it's a "F8ck yes", then fill out the application below for my 1:1 High Level Energy Mentorship (ranging from one off energy sessions or strategy sessions for your sacred biz to DEEP DIVES offered in 3, 6 or 12 months)

High level energy mentorship is for a specific transformation. It's more intensive than standalone energy work because specific intentions and goals are set with results that can't be duplicated by intermittent energy work. Erin's unique style is a synthesis of Reiki, eastern medicine, shamanism, mindset coaching, Access Consciousness and neuroscience.

Apply to work 1:1 with Erin below: